2020考研英语一大纲解析Text 4:并列结构巧解推理题

2019/8/21 13:27:01 来源: 网络


  有的同学喜欢通读全文后然后凭刚刚通读完的感觉答题,这点只对文章主旨题或作者态度题可行,然而在考察细节的推理题中则很容易选错。以2020年考研英语一大纲题型示例中的Text 4的第37题为例:

  But the cult of the authentic and the personal, “doing our own thing”, has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music. While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page. Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness. In both oral and written English, talking is triumphing over speaking, spontaneity over craft.

  37. The word “talking” (Para. 3) denotes

  A. modesty.

  B. personality.

  C. liveliness.

  D. informality.

  题干中出现了 denote,可以判断出这是道推理题。如果先看这道题的题干和4个选项,凭借常识或通读全篇后的回忆会觉得每个选项都有道理。甚至在第3段中,每个单词都能在原文找到对应,比如选项A中的modesty 对应本段中的modestly,选项B的personality 在本段中可以找到 personal,选项C的liveliness 则直接选取了本段的原词。

  正确的做法是根据题干关键词“talking”定位到原文最后一句。In both oral and written English是介宾短语作状语,而后面的”talking is triumphing over speaking, spontaneity over craft”则是由逗号分开的两个并列句,且”spontaneity over craft”省略了谓语成分,完整应该为" spontaneity is triumphing over speaking”。在这个并列复句中,talking is triumphing over speaking 和 spontaneity (is triumphing )over craft 构成一个类比的关系,over前后构成对比关系。也就是说 talking 对应着 spontaneity 而 speaking 对应着 craft的关系。不知道spontaneity 也没关系,可以根据craft (精巧工艺)猜测反义词,而informality 也正是对spontaneity的同义替换。

  巧合的是,2020考研英语一大纲的Text 4 这篇文章除了37题涉及到了并列结构中的并列复合句之外,40题也涉及到了根据句子的并列成分rather than 和 instead of 找答案,同学们不妨试试使用本篇提到的语法技巧解下这道题。

  海天考研老师为大家进行了2020考研英语一大纲解析Text 4:并列结构巧解推理题的整理,希望对大家有所帮助。


