
2012/10/31 16:46:23 来源: 网络


  科目代码: 357 科目名称: 英语翻译基础

  适用专业: 055200翻译硕士专业学位




  I. Translate the following terms into Chinese. (15 points, 1 point each)

  1. Babel 2. intralingual translation 3. equivalence 4. patronage

  5. polysystem 6. simultaneous interpreting 7. untranslatability

  8. domesticating strategy 9. translation norms 10. Lawrence Venuti

  11. pseudotranslation 12. SL texts 13. prescriptive approach

  14. skopos theory 15. deconstruction

  II. Translate the following terms into English. (15 points, 1 point each)

  1.可接受性 2.改编 3.回译 4.计算机辅助翻译 5.异化 6.语义翻译

  7.社群传译 8.文化转向 9.国际译联 10.功能对等 11.不确定性

  12.联络传译 13.操纵学派 14.显性翻译 15.平行语料库

  III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (60 points)

  The Big Bull Market was dead. Billions of dollars’ worth of profits and paper profits had disappeared. The grocer, the window-cleaner and the seamstress had lost their capital. In every town there were families which had suddenly dropped from showy affluence into debt. Investors who had dreamed of retiring to live on their fortunes now found themselves back once more at the very beginning of the long road to riches. Day by day the newspapers printed the grim report of suicides.

  Coolidge-Hoover Prosperity was not yet dead, but it was dying. Under the impact of shock of panic, a multitude of ills which hitherto had passed unnoticed or had been offset by stock-market optimism began to beset the body economic, as poisons seep through the human system when a vital organ has ceased to function normally. Although the liquidation of nearly 3 billion dollars of brokers’ loans contracted credit, and Reserve Banks lowered the rediscount rate, and the way in which the larger banks and corporations of the country had survived the emergency without a single failure of large proportions offered real encouragement, nevertheless the poisons were there: over production of capital; over-ambitious expansion of business concerns; overproduction of commodities under the stimulus of installment buying and buying with stock-market profits; the maintenance of an artificial price level for many commodities; the depressed condition of European trade. No matter how many soothsayers of high finance proclaimed that all was well, no matter how earnestly the president set to work to repair the damage with soft words and White House conferences, a major depression was inevitably under way.

  IV. Translate the following passage into English. (60 points)



