
2011/12/15 15:46:10 来源: 海天考研


  阅读每个题都能从文章中找到直接或间接的线索,可以定位于原文相关句子。干扰选项往往是对原文句子意思有偏差,因此建议2012年考生们在做阅读题时,一定要理解好文章内容,洞察偏差,才能将干扰项排除。例如,Under David Kessler, who ran the FDA in the 1990s, the agency took much criticism for being too slow and too cautious in the way it approved new drugs, adding costs to the system and denying patients potentially life-saving medicines.(九十年代,在戴维?凯斯勒的掌管下,美国食品及药物管理局在批准一种新药上市时进度过慢且过于谨慎,这既增加了评估系统的成本,又使病人失去了使用可能会救命的药物的机会,为此,它受到了猛烈抨击。)该句选自一篇关于美国食品药品管理局所面临的种种批评的文章,其中就有一题是针对该句话来出题:FDA is criticized for making patients lose the opportunities to be saved. 文中讲到FDA被批评批准药物效率慢,结果使得评估成本增加,也可能使病人不能及时用药,是在说FDA在体制上效率低,而不是说FDA被批评使病人失去用药机会。所以该选项与原文句子意思上有偏差,属于干扰项。


  考研阅读,对于学生逻辑判断和推理能力的要求是非常明显的,因此句子间逻辑关系的把握会直接影响文章的理解。阅读中一般出现的逻辑关系有:因果关系、递进关系、修饰-解释关系、复指关系、对比关系,转折关系。因此,在阅读文章过程中,一定要留意句子间的逻辑关系。例如,In the immediate future, Stanley believes that one solution would be to make artificial floods to flush out the delta waterways, in the same way that natural floods did before the construction of the dams. He says, however, that in the long term an alternative process such as desalination may have to be used to increase the amount of water available.句中出现了表示递进的逻辑关系词in the immediate future … in the longer term …;还出现了表示转折关系的关联词however。


  英语考研阅读选材,文章内容都会围绕一个中心话题展开,抓好核心思想,可以帮助解题。例如,Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrimination have been condemned or made illegal. But one insidious form continues to thrive: alphabetism. This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.中间虽然有逻辑词but,但是我们可以看出,该段的主题为现在存在着不为大家所重视的字母歧视的问题。


